Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Disconnect in American Democracy -- Chomsky

A recent editorial by Noam Chomsky

The disconnect in American democracy

Noam Chomsky - 10/28/04

The U.S. presidential race, impassioned almost to the point of hysteria,
hardly represents the healthiest democratic impulse...

go to:

Chomsky makes many of the points we favor at the State By State Network. He observes both political parties play the same game, with Bush voters at 6% and Kerry voters at 13% ability to identify the issue or issues their candidate supports. Chomsky's view may be called anti-partisan. The State By State Network recognizes most of us politically active are partisan. Let's not change that. But recognize our best partisan efforts are held thrall by corporate, money interests. To extend the franchise, we feel it necessary to increase particpation, not stifle it. We agree with Chomsky's identifying the problem; we don't want exposing the problem to be further source of cynicsm.


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